Isaiah is the Book of Christ, containing the most vivid descriptions of the first and second advent of Jesus Christ to be found in the entire Old Testament. Isaiah is the entire Bible in miniature. 39 chapters of God’s righteousness, justice, and holiness are followed by 27 chapters of compassion, grace, and glory. The parallel to the 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament is unmistakable. The entire Bible can be taught from Isaiah. Creation (42:5; 45:18), the fall of Satan (14:12-21), the virgin birth of Jesus Christ (7:14-16), the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (53:1-12), the free grace gift of salvation (55:1-3), the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ (60:1-22; 65:18-25), the new heavens and the new earth (65:17; 66:22) are all found in Isaiah. Isaiah is quoted in the New Testament more than any other Prophet, being mentioned twenty-one times by name. Isaiah 53 is quoted or alluded to at least eighty-five times in the New Testament.
The Hebrew, Greek, and English titles for the book are all taken from the proper name of the prophet who delivered the message of this book.
[Isaiah, the son of Amoz is believed to be the author of the Book of Isaiah by Christian Bible scholars.] John 12:37-41 quotes from both portions of Isaiah (Isa. 6:10; 53:1) & relates them both to the Prophet Isaiah.