Ephesians is the Book of the Father’s blessings. These blessings are in Christ to the Church and are designed for the maximum glory of God the Father’s Only Begotten Son. The deepest theology of any Pauline writing, Ephesians reflects the mystery revelation that Paul received through the hardships of his apostolic ministry. The scope of this Book is born out of eternity past, revealed in the Church, and effective for our prayerful conflict with fallen angelic powers.
“To the Ephesians” is ostensibly named for the recipients of the epistle. The superscript is questionable, as is the phrase “at Ephesus” (Eph. 1:1). This Book is possibly a general letter to be circulated throughout the Church rather than a particular letter to a specific local church.
The Apostle Paul authored this epistle, along with Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon during his first (two year) imprisonment in Rome (Acts 28:30,31).